Hotel terms and conditions

The room reservation represents a legally binding contract. The following cancellation conditions apply: for cancellations up to 28 days before arrival, there will be no costs for you.
Cancellations up to 15 days before arrival will be charged with 10% of the booked arrangement, cancellations up to 8 days before arrival with 30%.
In the event of a later cancellation, the entire booked arrangement will be invoiced. In the event of a late arrival or early departure, no compensation can be granted. We recommend that you take out travel cancellation- or. trip interruption- insurance.

Cancellation conditions regarding COVID-19

The guest is ill and cannot start the journey.
If the guest becomes ill (whether coronavirus or other illness), the contractually agreed cancellation conditions will be applied. The guest remains liable to pay according to the cancellation conditions. If necessary, the guest has taken out travel insurance which covers the costs.

The guest cannot arrive because it is not possible to leave their country or entry into Switzerland is not possible.
Since the arrival has become objectively impossible for the guest, there is basically no entitlement to any cancellation fees if this condition only occurred after the booking. In the case of travel restrictions at the time of booking, the usual cancellation conditions apply.

A guest does not want to arrive or leave early because, for example, he is afraid of infection.
The normal cancellation conditions . apply

A guest cannot arrive because he is personally under official quarantine.
The Hotel Albris will be accommodating in such a case and will not charge any cancellation fees.

Bank- and postal account
If you wish, you can transfer the amount to our account at GKB Pontresina, Hotel Albris AG, Via Maistra 228, 7504 Pontresina
Kto.-Nr.: 10 109.546.500, Clearing Nr.: 774, IBAN-Nr.: CH8000774010109546500, SWIFT-Nr.: GRKBCH2270A transfer .

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